I promised you all in the last blog those insider secrets.... This includes the #1 goal... a guarantee you close on time. I can say that with Prospect Mortgage that we can guarantee your loan package to the attorney's office 3 days in advance. It takes teamwork to guarantee this as there is a timeline that must be met. This means your help too! I have been in several predicaments where we needed documentation the day of closing and I hear I don't have that, don't know or it is packed up. I have compiled a list of items to stay clear of we you are searching for a home. This is for new and experienced homebuyers. You have to remember that guidelines have tightened up so the experience for everyone is new. I work with my builders in the industry and the process on new construction can take up to 4-6 months if you are starting from the beginning. This means that more than likely your credit report will have to be pulled again and documents will have to be updated again before closing. Just remember to always talk to your lender. We are your financial advisers during this process and are on your side.
1. Don't move assets. We have to verify any large deposit which means that if you keep moving money around then we need every statement. This can pose a problem if we weren't originally going to use that as one of your assets.
2. Don't change jobs. We have to verify that you are still employed at least 10 days before closing. We will need consecutive updated paystubs. It could also pose a problem if the chunk of your income was being counted from commissions. We have to have a full 2 year history on commissions to be able to use the income.
3. Don't open new credit. Like I mentioned before we might have to pull new credit during the process and most rates and products are based on certain credit scores. This means stay away from buying large appliances and furniture for the new house before talking with your lender
4. Don't pack up all your financial documents and computer. These should be the final items that you carry with you. We might need updated information or one last document to verify something for underwriting.
5. Don't' consolidate bills and don't go delinquent on bills.
6. Don't buy, lease or co-sign on an auto. Lenders look at debt to income ratios. These large payments just like the large appliances can impact your monthly debt to income ratios and prevent you from qualifying.
7. Don't deposit any large sums of money. We have to verify any large deposits. Cash deposits are usually hard to verify. This means don't take the money that your brother borrowed and deposit it 60 days before you apply for a mortgage and defiantly not during the process. We have to verify earnest money checks and usually that means updated statements along the way. If you do then please save receipts.
8. Don't hide anything upfront from your lender. Would you hide information from your attorney if they were representing you? Not everybody has the same story about their life. Lenders base your original story on how they structure the loan. This is one of the most important parts of the process. Having to restructure a loan in the middle of the process is difficult on everyone.
This is the best advice that I can give you to ensure that your loan closes. We will find out everything as the loan proceeds and it is just best to be upfront. I would love to hear if this helped you out there.

Looking towards homebuying