I just read that pranks started centuries ago. The April Fool's day and name was probably began on April 1st after a poem. This day is observed and celebrated in many different countries. To me this just goes to show that we are out to celebrate/ observe anything especially when it had to be translated from the Dutch language. http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/af_database/permalink/eduard_de_dene/
There are funny pranks, mean pranks and just simple pranks. Remember it is named after pranks so be sure not to harm anyone. I remember growing up and my mom doing icecream with carmel sauce as mashed potatoes and gravy.A link for the above photo from Family Fun is listed below. It is another Fool for the kids that is suppose to look like Cashew Chicken Stir Fry. I read that today is a good day to propose to someone. If they say no you can say April Fool's and if they accept then you are ok! I am sure many of you have come out with some great pranks today. I I would recommend watching out today but if you need a good laugh or some ideas then just check out the following website. I would love to hear about some good pranks.
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